
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32377614 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.

The second lagest city in Libya. Currently the seat of the National Transitional Council formed in the wake of uprising in February 2011. Came under shelling by forces loyal to Gaddafy in late March 2011, which were later routed following intervention by NATO forces.

Recent city comments:

  • سنتر الحدائق, khaled (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    منزل ال خشاب
  • احسن مدرسة في العالم لن انساها, Amy (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I Still remember it wooo
  • مصحة المروة, Miro Ghoneim wrote 8 years ago:
    حزبي الله ونعم الوكيل في ده دكتور ربنا يهده
  • Post Office, Joe (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Terrorist Finishing School
  • , Mo Alssadi (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    قميستي العبيدي وليد بطمة لغسيل الفرش
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